Heck Yah! Boating on a Sunday is the perfect Family weekend day to enjoy a boat cruise. Rentchicagoboats.com has you all setup to go boat cruising. So mom and dad, we love it when you plan ahead and book early in the week to look forward to your Sunday Family Fun Day boat outing with Rentchicagoboats.com.
And yes, FIDO can hop on Granny Pontoon only for your Sunday Family Fun Day cruise.
You can do a fun and lazy 3-hour river cruise with (1 of our 4) 3 hour sessions per Sunday of 9a-12p brunch cruise, 1-4p, 5-8p, or 9p-12a midnight cruise.
Or you can enjoy our 5 hour half-day on the river and lake to go swimming. Who wants sunshine? I know you do, so we have (3) half-day, day session options during the day of 9a-2p, 10a-3p, or 11a-4p.
What’s NEW in 2022, we offer a late afternoon option of 2-7pm.
Its so cool and romantic mom and dad time to enjoy the sun, witness the sunset, and see the city lights come to life during our evening half-day cruise options from 5-10pm or 6-11pm.
Contact Vernon at 773.791.7311 for booking and scheduling questions. Or see Rentchicagoboats.com to Book your Sunday Family Boating Fun Day!