Boating Social Distancing with Rent Chicago Boats
RentChicagoBoats started in 2001 and has weathered many business and life storms from the economic down-turn in 2008 to Covid19. We are supportive of our clients and desire to invite them to join us in 2020 but also enhance their experience with us thru our Boating Social Distancing Floatzilla program.
Our Floatzilla is the perfect solution to get small groups on the water in Chicago this summer starting Memorial Day weekend (or asap when safe to start) through October. Many groups that approach us want to pack the boat with guests and a captain. recommends spreading your group over one of our Golden or Fleet Floatzillas to insure all of your guests may join in the fun while being mindful to be 6 feet apart. A single boat group spread over our Floatzilla will offer our guest groups the space needed to stay compliant with Boating Social Distancing!
RentChicagoBoats recommends bringing extra gloves and masks to wear during your boating experience. Delegate duties to certain members of your group to distribute food and beverages, assist with specific boat management duties, etc, to minimize contact. Name beer cups with guest names and stick with the same cups for the duration of the trip. Bring individual snack packaged goods, rather than the group sharing the same chip bag. BYO towels, make-up, hat, sun care, toiletries, extra clothes, floaties, and don’t share the use of those items that might be shared naturally with friends and family members. Bring dish soap (nature safe) and plenty of water to clean yourself and the common areas you and your guests might touch while aboard.
If a guest has a visible sign of a cold (coughing, sneezing, flushed, fever, etc), excuse them from the trip to save their participation for the next outing. They will understand.
So, invites you to learn about us. We are available to assist in planning a safe boating event with you and its a bit easier for planners to connect by phone 773.791.7311 with us.